Hey Parents

We know that parenting is all about juggling different aspects of your life, and sometimes you just don't have enough time to do everything. Using this resource, you have easy access to fun, hands-on Mad Science activities and other STEM excitement to get your kid excited about learning (it's just an added bonus if it reinforces your 'best parent ever' title).

How to use - DO NOT hand over control to your child. Role modelling is the biggest part of growing a love for learning, so your kids need to see you excited about learning too. You need to be the leader of these family adventures in STEM. Also, knowledge is power and being the BRINGER OF AWESOME EXPERIMENTS makes you a super hero to your kids, and you don't want to give that up just yet (they'll be teenagers before you know it, so take advantage of the chance to be cool in their eyes while you can!)

Explore the different sections. Setting up a regular schedule for your STEM adventures is a great idea. Your kids are able to look forward and plan for the event, and setting it up as a tradition is great for life long learning.

DO science, don't binge watch science. If you had fun with one, there is the temptation to watch another video and another and skip the actually doing part. Passive video watching has its place, but active engagement is WAY more important.