Virtual Extension

Maybe you missed the program, had to leave early or just want some more Mad Science in between classes...well here you go!

Current Events

Take a tour on the electron freeway! Conductors, insulators, batteries and loads oh my! Students get juiced about current electricity and circuitry.

Extension Activities

Try something we didn't do in class

When you rub the Styrofoam plate with a wool cloth, you charge it up! The Styrofoam attracts the electrons from the cloth when the two are rubbed together, due to friction. The electrons cannot leave the muffin tin because it is completely surrounded by insulating air and Styrofoam. If you touch the muffin tin while it is near the Styrofoam, the moving electrons will be “pushed” off the pan and onto you causing you to feel a little shock, hear a snapping sound and maybe even see a spark of electricity. Sparks of electricity can cause explosions. This may happen if faulty wiring produces a spark that ignites nearby gases or flammable materials.

Big Old Science Words

Impress your peeps with your science sounds!

Proton - atoms are made of subatomic particles, a proton forms part of the core of an atom (the nucleus) and has a charge of +1

Neutron - atoms are made of subatomic particles, a neutron forms part of the core of an atom (the nucleus) and has a charge of 0

Electron -atoms are made of subatomic particles, an electron is orbits around the core of an atom (the nucleus) and has a charge of -1. It is much smaller than a proton or a neutron

Electricity - is when charges move, usually this means that protons (+1 charge) or electrons (-1 charge) are also moving

Circuit - for electricity to do any work, electron need to be able to move from one end of the battery to the other. This path is called a circuit

Conductor - a material that electricity can move easily through (energy is not converted to heat)

Insulator a material that electricity can not move easily through (energy is converted to heat)